Prayer Focus: Strength of Conviction in Decision-Making
Central Scripture: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of Christ.” (Philippians 1:27)
Gracious Father, thank You for sending Your Son to rescue us from the ways of the world. We didn’t even know we needed to be saved, but You came and drew us into life and truth as only You can. Thank You for not giving up on us, and thank You for giving us a better way to live. You are the Creator of life itself, and I praise You for designing us with such a perfect plan in mind.
Lord, I pray today that You would strengthen my family for decisions they have to make. The current of culture is strong, Lord, but I pray that they would remain firmly grounded in You and unmoved by the ways of the world. I know they face situations and decisions even today that require them to choose the way of culture or the way of Christ. I ask You today to please give them strength to make the wise choice in every moment.
I know, Lord, that we don’t have to earn Your love or be worthy enough, somehow, for Your grace to find us, but I pray that as my family moves forward in difficult situations, our actions, words, and mannerisms would be worthy of the name of Jesus.
Father God, please help my husband in his job and his leadership of our family, to make decisions that align with the gospel of Christ. Help him to be unmoved by influences around him. Help him to stand strong when choosing Your way makes him unpopular. Help him to walk through each day with the integrity and strength of character modeled by Jesus. Create a spirit of radical obedience within him, Lord, that he would be so focused on what You ask him to do that nothing else is really an option. Give him strength of conviction, Lord.
I ask You to please build up my children in their belief and convictions, so that when those beliefs are challenged they respond with confidence and love. Lord, when we waver in our hearts, our gut reactions to being challenged are usually confrontational and defensive. Let my children instead be marked by strength of conviction, and let them remember always that Christ fights for them. I pray that by their own experiences of faith they would be more interested in following Your way than in whatever options the world offers them. I pray that the way they act in their school, with their friends, on their teams, and in the home would be an accurate representation of Christ’s power in their lives. Let them remain strong against the current of culture, and guide them in every counter-cultural decision they make.
Thank You, Father, for sending Your Spirit to live within us as we face the difficult situations of each day. Please help us to tune our hearts to You, that we would miss no promptings and no opportunities to shine the light of Christ around us.