When You Realize You’ve Been Heard

When You Realize You’ve Been Heard

As mamas, sometimes we do things over and over and over, hoping for a certain result but never knowing if our efforts are making a difference at all. We have to wait and wait and wait, hoping beyond hope that the things we are praying and pouring over our children are...
Because I’m Not A Perfect Mama

Because I’m Not A Perfect Mama

I have my share of insecurities, but there is one that surpasses them all: insecurity about my parenting. I want so badly to be a good mama to my daughter. I want to do all that is right for her…be all that is right for her. I want to be the perfect mama, which...
How Not To Talk About Your Kids

How Not To Talk About Your Kids

On a Thursday night about a year ago, I sat at the softball field waiting for my daughter’s softball game to start. I wasn’t watching her team warm up, though. I was watching for my parents to get there and claim their spots on the metal bleachers. They...

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