The disEntangled podcast is a series of authentic conversations
grounded in the truth of God’s Word,
intentionally designed to give hope and light for tangled minds.
Released biweekly on Fridays, I will attempt to untangle a particular thought that gets us tangled up, in the hopes of directing us toward the freedom that Christ promised.
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For as long as I can remember, my mind has been one of my own worst enemies. My thoughts get out of control far too easily and far too often, causing anxiety and distraction from things that really matter. I often use the word “tangled” to refer to this chaotic pattern of thinking; no particular thought can be easily separated from the rest, and as a result my mind is a messy tangle of lies, fears, and worries. I become entangled in the thoughts and, if I can’t sort it out, am almost physically hindered from moving forward in life.
Yeah, it feels a little like that. Maybe you can relate?
I believe this is a common issue, whether we live with mental illness like depression and anxiety or not. Our minds are complex, and this is a struggle for so many of us. It is common enough that the apostle Paul wrote about it, exhorting us to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Our minds can entangle us, but we do not have to remain there. We can move forward into God’s plans for us. We do not have to be victims of the tangled assaults of our own minds. We can take our thoughts captive and, by forcing them to submit to Christ, can make them our greatest assets.
Friend, you can become disentangled.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
The disEntangled podcast was born of my belief that it is God’s will for us to become disentangled from these destructive thoughts, and my passion for seeing people set free.
It is my sincere hope that this will become a tool to take with you wherever you go. There have been many days when I have jammed earbuds into my ears as I went about my daily business, not because I just wanted to listen to music but because I was desperate to drown out the tangled garbage in my mind. Friend, my prayer is that this can be that kind of lifeline for you.
I’m excited to be with you on your journey. We’re all in this together.