Prayer Focus: The Fruits of the Spirit:: FAITHFULNESS.
Central Scripture: “It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 John 3-4)
Gracious, merciful Father, Your truth is my light. Your truth is the foundation on which I stand, and the cornerstone of this home. Thank You for Your word and the privilege of knowing You through it.
As I pray for my family today, God, I pray that Your truth would be deeply ingrained in their hearts. I pray that resting in Your truth would be as natural to my husband and my children as breathing. I pray that Your truth would shine as a lighthouse, directing them in all that they say and do.
I pray that Your truth would lead to a deep faith, that there would be no question of what they believe or what they know to be true. I pray that You would embed Your truth and Your promises in them in such a way that in their hearts, there is no separating who they are from who You say they are.
I pray that their faith would be lived out in word and action. I ask You to make them faithful, God, in every interaction and every situation. Let their faith shine in everything they do, that they would be like lamps on a stand, shining brightly in a dark world and leading people to safety in You.
Let my husband be found faithful, Father. Let his actions reflect what he says he believes. Let there be consistency between what people know of him and what is in his heart. Let him remain a man of integrity in a world that loves to see men fall, a man of honor in a world that loves to see men disgraced, and a man of respect in a world that loves to degrade men to their lowest points. I pray against the tendency of mankind to simply go with the current. I pray that You would give my husband the courage and strength of conviction to dig his feet in deeply to Your word, that in any situations that require judgment calls or the possibility of wandering from Your will, He would stand firm. Let him be faithful to You, Lord.
Gracious God, please let my children grow up in faith. In a world that justifies dishonesty and self-promotion, help my children to be grounded in truth and to seek to glorify You. Help them to grow up learning something other than what the world teaches, so that when they are older and the stakes are even higher, they will stand firm in what they know to be true about You. Let them not be afraid of standing out or going against what their friends are doing or being different. Let them instead boldly do what they know is right because of what You have told them. Help them to be a light in their generation, and let them remain faithful throughout their lives.
Father, let me be faithful to You first, and from there, to be faithful to my responsibilities to my family. Help me to rest in You, and to seek only the things that You say matter. Help me to be found faithful, Lord.
Let our home be a training ground for faith, God. Show me my part in making that happen. Most of all, give my family a love for You that supersedes anything the world can offer, that in moments of decision no option appeals but that which You offer. Let us be found to be faithful to You in all we do, Lord.