Studying the Bible: How I Do It

Bible study is a tricky thing to figure out. We know it’s something we should do, but we don’t always feel like it (just being honest), and when we do feel like it we don’t always know what to do. Just this year I found *gasp* a method that works for me, and I’m hooked. I posted about it in my stories last week and so many of you asked about it I thought I’d explain it here. This may get long. Bear with me.

Materials needed (for me, at least): Bible, cute journal (mine’s 8 1/2 x 11, so it’ll take longer to fill up), and pretty multicolored pens (I use Flair pens because 🥰). I also use a journaling Bible, which we’ll talk about in a minute.

Step 1: use the designated sections in your Bible. One section per day, unless you get all ambitious and want to do more. Write the verse reference (e.g. Matthew 1:1-6) in your journal.

Step 2: read the passage. No notes or reading the study notes or anything. Just read it nice and slow.

Step 3: take the passage on verse by verse. If you have a thought…it reminds you of something…you can think of a clearer way to express the main idea…whatever your PERSONAL thoughts are on a particular verse, write it in your journal.

Step 4: As you go through verse by verse, after you’ve written your personal thoughts, read commentary verse by verse. I just read the study notes in my Bible unless I need deeper explanation. Then I go to a separate commentary.

Step 5: write thoughts from the study notes or commentary.

Step 6: Record your “takeaway” from the passage – whatever really caught your attention or that you want to remember.

That’s it, unless you want to go a step further…

Step 7: Here’s where the journaling Bible comes in. Go to the page of the passage you studied and illustrate your takeaway. Most of the time mine is just rephrasing the takeaway and writing it in pretty colors and different styles of lettering. Sometimes I get inspired and actually draw something. It’s up to you, but don’t stress about it! Perfection is not the point.

That’s it! It does take a little time, especially if it’s a tough passage, but I’ve found it’s a way to engage with the Word AND learn a little something. That’s kind of the idea anyway.

Let me know if you try it! Or, if you have a method you use, please share! I’d love to hear what works for other people!

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