Personal Renovations || 2017 Word of the Year

Personal Renovations || 2017 Word of the Year

Happy new year, friends! My hope is that you had a truly special Christmas and that your new year is off to a good start. Sometimes we put so much pressure on the new year that when it actually comes, it has the same effect on our emotions as a much-anticipated...
But For The Grace of God?

But For The Grace of God?

I’ve always been open about my struggle with depression, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder. I don’t keep it a secret, mainly because it doesn’t do me any good to hold it in and it doesn’t do you any good if I act like I don’t have...
The Messiest of Beginnings

The Messiest of Beginnings

This past New Year’s Eve I found myself, once again, incredulously staring a new year in the face. My news feed was inundated with year-end reviews and predictions for the new year. Friends had selected (and found time to write about!) their “words of the...
Today and Tomorrow

Today and Tomorrow

We’re nearly three months into the school year, and I still feel like I’m pretending. We’ve gone from the blistering heat of August to the cool, leaf-blowing breezes of October, and I still don’t feel like this is real. For ten weeks now...

Through It All

It’s one of those days. I just dropped my little girl off for her last day of preschool. Her last day. As in, the next time I take her to school, she’ll be in kindergarten. At an elementary school. For eight-ish hours in the same building as twelve year...

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