Because I’m Not A Perfect Mama

Because I’m Not A Perfect Mama

I have my share of insecurities, but there is one that surpasses them all: insecurity about my parenting. I want so badly to be a good mama to my daughter. I want to do all that is right for her…be all that is right for her. I want to be the perfect mama, which...
His Kind Of Love

His Kind Of Love

I remember the morning clearly: I was driving my daughter to Mother’s Day out, crossing an overpass near my house, when a song carried me away from my present reality.  With lyrics that penetrated my heart and touched something in me that needed to be reached,...
How Not To Talk About Your Kids

How Not To Talk About Your Kids

On a Thursday night about a year ago, I sat at the softball field waiting for my daughter’s softball game to start. I wasn’t watching her team warm up, though. I was watching for my parents to get there and claim their spots on the metal bleachers. They...
When You Feel Too Small For This Great Big Life

When You Feel Too Small For This Great Big Life

I had a dream last week in which I was driving a huge truck. It wasn’t just any truck, either, but one of those massive ones they use in the rock quarry down the road from my house. One of those dump trucks on steroids, that dwarf school buses and make...

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