On Allergies and the Path to Holiness

On Allergies and the Path to Holiness

She sat on the crinkly exam room paper, her eight-year-old body tiny on the table meant for adults more than twice her size. Her paper gown the nurse had given her was bunched around her neck, her shoulders were hunched, and her big, brown eyes were round with...
The Beauty and The Mess

The Beauty and The Mess

They captivate me.  Glimmering golden alongside the road, making the most ordinary of routes feel like a wondrous journey. Wildflowers budding and blooming anew, proclaiming spring’s arrival even if the wind still blows cold. They draw me in every year. Their...

When Love Stoops Down

It’s been pretty clear to us since my daughter learned to walk that she has hoarder tendencies. From the time she coordinated her eyes and her hands and learned to close her fingers around things, she has always been clutching something in her little fists. When...
For When You Need To Be Seen

For When You Need To Be Seen

It was almost 9:00 at night, and I was just then able to think about supper for myself. As I pulled the cheese toast from the oven, its American-cheesiness making my stomach growl, I thought, “I should take a picture of this.” So I did. I intended to post...
Our Deepest Need

Our Deepest Need

I recently heard about an elementary school trend moving across the country. A little boy in Pennsylvania apparently saw other children at his school missing out on fun at recess because they didn’t have anyone to play with. For one reason or another, they sat...

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