A Letter To Myself At Sixteen

A Letter To Myself At Sixteen

Dear Younger Me, I desperately wish I could sit down with you, face to face, over a cup of coffee. Well, today’s me (Or should I say you? This could get confusing.) would have coffee, but since you’re only 16 and still on your caffeine hiatus, you’d...
When You Realize You’ve Been Heard

When You Realize You’ve Been Heard

As mamas, sometimes we do things over and over and over, hoping for a certain result but never knowing if our efforts are making a difference at all. We have to wait and wait and wait, hoping beyond hope that the things we are praying and pouring over our children are...
Why It’s Right To Be Wrong

Why It’s Right To Be Wrong

  I’d seen her at church for awhile – how long, I’m not sure, because I was in my own self-imposed solitary confinement and wasn’t fully aware of anything going on outside of myself. But I had seen her, and based on what I saw, I had my...
Why We Don’t Need To Hear In Order To Sing

Why We Don’t Need To Hear In Order To Sing

My husband and I aren’t big watchers of (current) TV shows. If we’re going to watch anything on TV, our default is “Friends” reruns on Netflix. We’ve seen the entire series way too many times because honestly, there’s just not much...

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